Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Resolution or Bust

I can hear the wheels turning.

I can hear the questions forming.

I can hear the judgement just from a title.

Yes, we are 27 days into the new year.

Yes, most people have made their lists weeks ago.

Yes, I am a little behind the eight ball.

But the wheels can come to a screeching halt now.

You can keep those questions behind tightly sealed lips.

All judgement can be swept under the rug.

Feeling like you are out of the loop on something?

Ready for the secret?

Are you sure?

Ok, get ready for the shock of your life. I didn't make any resolutions this year. Not a list. Nope, not a one. Okay. Okay. Are you done with the eye rolls, the gasps and the social outcast status that you have cast upon me for the entire year? You are? Okay, good. If you hang with me for a few minutes I will put your reservations to rest about my New Year rebellion.

You know when you look up the word resolution in the dictionary it doesn't seem like a big green monster. The definition of the word is "the act or process of resolving; the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones; the act of answering; solving; the act of determining." There is nothing scary about any of those phrases whatsoever. They are all processes that we partake in throughout the course of everyday. When you think about it, everything we do whether with our conscious brain or not is in a form a resolution of sorts. You think I'm speaking Greek? Well, just think about it: What are you going to wear to work? You analyze the weather, what clothes you have clean, and what you wore the day before to resolve on what you are going to wear that particular day. Good enough? Point proven? Ok, can I move on now? So, like I was saying the word doesn't creep out of the dark corners of the world looking for a person to eat; yet, I don't even want the monster lingering in the vicinity of me for the year.

I read somewhere that 88% of resolutions are broken the first day. THE FIRST DAY! I mean, come on ... it's one day! Really? Okay, okay, I asked you not to judge me. I guess the least I can do is not judge 88% of the population. I promise. No judgement here. (Especially since you can't see my crossed fingers behind my back...we are all good) And the other stat: 96% of resolutions are broken by the end of the first week! Wow, that green monster sure gets his fill by January 10th for sure. So, why would I want something with such horrible statistical probability to weight over me as a huge failure and dissapointment for a whole year? I may have my insane moments but I'm not completely out of my mind.

And I am enjoying this year. No burdens. No unneccessary worries. No extra check list staring at me with no tasks completed. And let me tell you, I do love my check lists! I'm loving it. With all of the craziness and chaos in our lives, there is a calm in the pit of my stomach telling me I don't have to meet some unrealistic heights that I set in an attempt to better myself.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not going to sit around like a bump on a log and let the year pass me by. I'm still going to accomplish things. I'm still going to try and be healthier and work out. I'm still setting milestones that I am striving for with the horses and Zip. I'm just not making that "OFFICIAL RESOLUTION LIST."

So 've decided that I have set one goal for myself for the year. One accomplishment or achievement to strive for if you will. Now, before I even tell you what it is you are probably already dismissing everything I have said to this point. You are probably saying that there is nothing different between a resolution and a goal or an achievement. When you look up the word goal in the dictionary it says "the end towards which effort is directed" and "a result by gained by effort" is seen when you look at the word achievement. To me, these words have such a different feeling. A resolution just means you are going to act or you are planning to do something. A resolution looks great on paper as a list. A goal shows effort. A goal means that a milestone has been reached and an accomplishment has been achieved. A goal has such a more positive and uplifting tone to it. An accomplishment shows that hard work and sweat has paid off. So to me, there is a big difference in a little terminology. Therefore, I have set myself a goal that each and everyday I can achieve and have an accomplishment to show for it.

Sara's Goal for Achieving Success in 2010
  • Not to allow myself to fall victim to my perfectionism and procrastination tendencies.

That is it! That is the only sentence that I am living my life by this year. I have such a tendency to not start a project that I HAVE to get done or WANT to get done because I'm not going to dedicate a 110% to it at that moment. And then those moments add up and all I have to show for it is a great idea waiting in the wings. So I'm throwing it to the wayside. I'm going to work on things even if it is only half way or only have time to hurry through it so that it is only haphazardly done for the moment. But even after that moment, it is still done! It may not be perfect like I would like to envision it to be, but all in all it is done and I didn't allow procrastination to take me hostage. It is amazing how these two words go hand in hand and by not falling prey to one I am keep the other from crowding it's way into my day as well.

So, for now I am going to sit back enjoying the fact that I have wrote a blog without analyzing it or making it perfect. I am going to relax until I have a moment appear where I have to fling into action to keep the monsters at bay. But for now, I am enjoying looking at the big green monster in his cage. And right now, he can't get out.

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