You can learn a lot from little kids, especially a smart little cookie like Kenzie. This is by far one of her favorite phrases and I think it says a lot about her. Since little Miss Smarty has mastered all the animal names and their sounds that she looks at in her books, we moved on to other things that all little boys and girls need to learn. She mastered the location and names of the parts of her face and other people and animals in about a week. I have to tell you I am so proud of her and how excited she is to share with everyone her wealth of 20 month old knowledge. I am just very glad to not have to know where my eye is every 15 seconds considering Kenzie likes to have her finger examined REALLY closely. Since she learned the newest lesson, we once again moved on to something new and challenging for her. Numbers. It took just a couple of days for her to be able to repeat all the numbers back as you counted to her. In a few short days, she is already counting on her own. Three through ten. All by herself and in the correct order every time. To try and help her out with her numbers, we learned to say, "Ready...1, 2, 3...Go!" whenever we are going to jump on something or peek around a corner to scare Daddy. Kenzie, being the quick learner adapted our little saying all on her own. "Ready...Three...GO!" At first, I would stop her and repeat it back trying to have her repeat back numbers 1 and 2. After I thought about it a little while, I decided that it wasn't really necessary. Why? Well, it was time to go.
The more I think about it to Kenzie one and two just aren't important. All they do is lead up to three, which means go. Why waste time doing extra stuff when you can jump right to where you want to be and just go? That is how my sweet little girl does everything. She jumps right in, ready to take it all on. Boy, how could I ever know that my biggest motivator would be such an amazing little girl. It is amazing how we seem to lose that ability and just go. We get older and get bogged down with to-do's and routines. We forget to see each day as a little kid. I know I do. I know that I stop and make a 1 and a 2 that have to get done first even though I want to be at 3. I stop myself from GO because...well, because. And I think that is the best answer. Because. There is always a because or a should. I am starting to take note in the smarts of such a little bundle of go. I am starting to jump more. The 1 and 2 will always be there. But the go, that is now and now is something that I won't get back.
I am so thankful for the daily reminder from my little personal motivation queen. You know, we get all the reflection emails and the motivation tips in articles that we watch for on a daily or weekly basis. I am lucky. I have those reminders and tips and rewards every minute that I get to spend with Kenzie. I just never realized it. I look forward to getting those little tidbit of self improvement. It gives me a few minutes to take a good look at myself and see little areas in my life where I can strive to be happier and more positive. I just needed a really big knock on the head. I have those reminders every minute of the day that I get to spend with such a inspired toddler.
- Greet each morning with a smile, a "hi-ya" and the best answer to the daily how are you today? "it's good morning." Every morning as we get her dressed, I get a huge hug. Every morning during that hug I take the biggest relaxing breath. What a great way to start each day. A happy thought and a relaxing breath.
- Everything is up. No matter if she wants up or down, Kenzie says up. This makes me laugh so much, because the more I think about it...down is up. We get to get up from sitting to go play. We get to get up from being held and get to go play. I think everyone should think of everything as ups. What a way to lift your spirit.
- Constant high fives, knuckles and kisses. Whether we are reading, coloring pretties, helping with chores, working in the garden a good deed is always noticed. Those nice remarks from a proud Momma are always rewarded with a nice action. I look forward to Kenzie doing anything that is good because I'm selfish. Everytime I tell Kenzie how pretty her picture is or how good of a job she did feeding Pody, Kenzie stops what she is doing to come over and give a kiss or knuckles back. It is so amazing how she is so willing to stop doing her own thing to do a nice thing for something that she just got told she was doing well. I notice my mindset is starting to change because of the little thanks Kenzie gives. I am constantly looking for the good in everything and I am constantly rewarding all the good things from everyone and everything around me.
There are so many amazing little kid things that do so many amazing things to the souls of their parents. Taking the time to join back in a game of tag or hide and seek. Laughing when you know they are doing something just to see you smile. I am so thankful for my little girl. I am so happy for all the little lessons and reminders that are being learned...by me. I look forward to taking advantage of moments that require a "Ready...Three...Go."